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Lite SIM Only 3GB3GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts24month contractZeroupfront cost£5.00per month(prices may change during contract)Get DealThree
Lite SIM Only 3GB3GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts12month contractZeroupfront cost£5.00per month(prices may change during contract)Get DealThree
Lite SIM Only 12GB12GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts12month contractZeroupfront cost£6.00per month(prices may change during contract)Get DealThree
5G SIM Only 8GBFree Roaming up to 30GBFree EU Roaming8GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£6.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
5G SIM Only 8GBFree Roaming up to 30GBFree EU Roaming8GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts24month contractZeroupfront cost£6.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
5G SIM Only 6GBFree Roaming up to 30GBFree EU Roaming6GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts12month contractZeroupfront cost£6.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
Smarty 5GB5GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£6.00per monthGet DealSmarty
Unlimited Calls and Texts 3GB3GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts12month contractZeroupfront cost£6.00per month(prices may change during contract)Get DealSky Mobile
golden goodybagFree EU Roaming2GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtextsNo contractZeroupfront cost£6.00per monthGet Dealgiffgaff
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5G SIM Only 30GBFree Roaming up to 30GBFree EU Roaming30GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts24month contractZeroupfront cost£7.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
5G SIM Only 30GBFree Roaming up to 30GBFree EU Roaming30GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£7.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
5G SIM Only 25GBFree Roaming up to 30GBFree EU Roaming25GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£7.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
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Smarty 15GB15GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£7.00per monthGet DealSmarty
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{"comparison-market":"enhanced-telco","config-name":"generic","numberOfDealsToDisplay":15,"sort":"most_popular","always-set-filters":{"deal-type-section":["New Consumer"],"reseller-section":["exclude-all"],"network-section":[""]},"exclude-filters":[],"filter-section-order":[],"excluded-filter-sections":[],"page-attributes":[],"filter-sections":[{"id":"product-type-section","filter_group":[{"id":"product-type-group-1","mutex":true,"filter":[{"id":"phone-with-sim","label":"Phones with SIM","sets_attribute":["handset","sim"],"selected":false},{"id":"phone-sim-free","label":"SIM free phones","sets_attribute":["handset"],"selected":false},{"id":"sim-only","label":"SIM only","sets_attribute":["sim"],"selected":true},{"id":"data-sim","label":"Data SIMs","sets_attribute":["data-sim"],"selected":false}],"default_id":"phone-with-sim","disallow_manual_deselect":true}],"section_heading":""},{"id":"data-standard-section","filter_group":[{"id":"product-type-group-1","mutex":true,"filter":[{"id":"any","label":"Any"},{"id":"5g","label":"5G"}],"default_id":"any","disallow_manual_deselect":true}],"section_heading":"Data speed"},{"id":"monthly-cost-section","filter_group":[{"id":"monthly-cost-group-1","mutex":true,"filter":[{"id":"10","label":"u00a30-u00a310"},{"id":"30","label":"u00a310-u00a330"},{"id":"50","label":"u00a330-u00a350"},{"id":"80","label":"u00a350-u00a380"},{"id":"over80","label":"u00a380+"}]}],"is_attribute_of":["sim","data-sim"],"section_heading":"Monthly cost"},{"id":"talk-time-section","filter_group":[{"id":"talk-time-group-1","mutex":true,"filter":[{"id":"500","label":"500+"},{"id":"1000","label":"1000+"},{"id":"5000","label":"5000+"},{"id":"UNLIMITED","label":"Unlimited"}]}],"is_attribute_of":["sim"],"section_heading":"Minutes"},{"id":"data-section","filter_group":[{"id":"data-group-1","mutex":true,"filter":[{"id":"1000","label":"1GB+"},{"id":"2000","label":"2GB+"},{"id":"5000","label":"5GB+"},{"id":"10000","label":"10GB+"},{"id":"50000","label":"50GB+"},{"id":"UNLIMITED","label":"Unlimited"}]}],"is_attribute_of":["sim","data-sim"],"section_heading":"Data"},{"id":"contract-length-section","filter_group":[{"id":"contract-length-group-1","filter":[{"id":"payg","label":"PAYG"},{"id":"1","label":"1"},{"id":"12","label":"1-12"},{"id":"over12","label":"12+"}]}],"is_attribute_of":["sim","data-sim"],"section_heading":"Contract length"},{"id":"gift-section","filter_group":[{"id":"gift-group-1","filter":[{"id":"Cashback","label":"Cashback"},{"id":"Gift Voucher","label":"Gift Voucher"},{"id":"Free Gift","label":"Free Gift"}]}],"section_heading":"Gifts & extras"}],"hide-filter-pane":false} may earn a commission when you purchase via links on our site. The price you pay will always be equal to or often cheaper than the price you would pay by going direct to the provider. Please refer to individual provider's terms and conditions before signing up. All prices are inclusive of VAT except business prices.

Why choose EE SIM only?

  • Free Apple Music or BritBox subscription – All EE customers can enjoy Apple Music or Britbox free for the first six months. You can even take advantage of this if you've been an EE customer for a long time. Just be aware that 'free periods' such as these are, beneath the surface, a means to hook you into a subscription longer term
  • Smart Benefits – Customers choosing one of the bigger data plans are entitled to claim up to three free Smart Benefits, including BT Sport Ultimate, Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Video Data Pass and Roam Abroad (which extends free roaming to more countries than those included as standard).
  • 4G in more places than other networks – Is a claim made by EE itself. However, all the networks now claim to reach 99% of the population and are likely to reach the places you need them to.
  • You can gift your spare data – With EE you can bring your family members onto your account, which will not only give you a 10% discount for each additional family member, it also allows you to shift spare data between family members as you please
  • The EE app – The EE mobile app allows you to purchase more data instantly, should you ever hit your limit, manage your bills, check your calls through itemised billing and do the aforementioned data gifting, should you have a family account
  • UK call centres – EE makes a lot of noise about how its customer service centres are all based in the UK and Ireland, if this matters to you

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Is EE a good network?

Despite a rather larger number of UK mobile providers, there are actually only four network providers. That is to say, there are only four providers who own and run their own network. All those other providers piggyback (lease capacity) from one of those four. EE is one of those four network providers – the other three being Vodafone, Three and O2.

EE claims to offer the UK's most comprehensive coverage and best data speeds. Rrecent research from independent, crowdsourced data company Tutelabacks this up, stating that EE offers the highest excellent consistent quality in common coverage areas across the UK, and the greatest relative coverage for both 4G and 5G.

EE also leads the way when it comes to 4G speed, according to Tutela’s report, averaging 31.1Mbps, with Three trailing behind in second place with 15.6Mbps, followed by O2 and Vodafone. However, when it comes to 5G speed, O2 leads the way, averaging 53.1Mbps, with EE only achieving third place (after Three) an average of 48.6Mbps.

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Data and calling features

With every provider, no matter the SIM you choose, there will be some desirable features that it either offers, offers but to a limited extent, or doesn't offer at all.

  • 4G data speed – According to Tutela’s report, EE offers the fastest 4G data speeds of all the UK's network providers. According to its measurements in 2021, EE's 4G speeds averaged 31.1Mbps
  • Data rollover – With EE pay-as-you-go (PAYG) or Flex plans (one-month contracts which allow you to change exactly what you'll get every 30 days) you can 'roll over' a proportion of any leftover data you have from one month to the next, adding it to the total amount available the following month. Note, this feature is not available on regular pay-monthly EE SIM plans
  • Tethering – Is where you use your phone or tablet as a mobile wifi hotspot, allowing other devices to connect to it. There were once strict limits on tethering, but these days most providers let you use your data allowance however you please. EE allows tethering and places no restrictions on what proportion of data you are allowed to use while doing so
  • Wifi calling – Is where, if you're near wifi you have the password for, you can use it to make calls rather than eating into your allowance. EE's offered wifi calling as part of its plan for longer than anyone else
  • Data gifting – This is where you can send your spare or leftover data to another family member. Data gifting relies on you buying multiple SIMs under one named bill payer, for use by different members of the family. It’s also worth knowing that every additional SIM you buy under the same bill payer will receive a 10% discount
  • Data cap – What happens if you hit your monthly data limit? This varies from one provider to the next. In EE's case, it will send you warnings when you're close, then once you hit it, EE will divert your browser to a page where you can top up a little more data to see you through to the end of the month. If you find this happening a lot, it should go without saying that you need to upgrade your plan

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Frequently asked questions

What contract lengths are available with EE SIM only?

EE SIM-only contracts are 12 or 24-months long. If this doesn't appeal, EE also provides a good range of PAYG SIMs, including a sort of halfway house arrangement called 'Flex' – where you have a rolling 30-day contract and you can change the minutes/data/text allowances as you please every 30 days.

Will an EE SIM fit my phone?

EE SIMs arrive as something called a 'multi-SIM'. A multi-SIM is three SIMs in one, a SIM, a micro-SIM and a nano-SIM. You just unclip/push out the one you need and pop it in your phone.

How do I get an EE SIM card?

Any of the deals on this page will provide you with an EE SIM card, which will be sent to you in the post.

Can I change my EE SIM plan any time?

If you are on a 30-day deal, you can change your data, minutes and text allowances up or down every month, if you wish. If you have a 12 or 24-month contract, then you can increase your data allowance, but not decrease it.