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Compare Vodafone SIM only deals

Compare the latest Vodafone SIM only plans from only £8.00 per month. Unlimited data, texts and minutes – available on 5G.

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9 deals available
Vodafone SIM OnlyBasics SIM14-day returns policyRoll over your dataPrice valid until April 2025, increases to £9pm on 1 April 2025
  • 40GBmonthly data
  • Unlimitedinclusive minutes
  • Unlimitedinclusive texts
  • 12month contract
  • Zeroone-off cost
£8.00per month£8.00per monthSee Deal
Vodafone SIM OnlyBasics SIM14-day returns policyRoll over your dataPrice valid until April 2025, increases to £11pm on 1 April 2025
  • 60GBmonthly data
  • Unlimitedinclusive minutes
  • Unlimitedinclusive texts
  • 12month contract
  • Zeroone-off cost
£10.00per month£10.00per monthSee Deal
Vodafone SIM OnlyRed SIM14-day returns policyRoll over your dataPrice valid until April 2025, increases to £19.80pm on 1 April 2025 then £21.60pm on 1 April 2026
  • 8GBmonthly data
  • Unlimitedinclusive minutes
  • Unlimitedinclusive texts
  • 24month contract
  • Zeroone-off cost
£18.00per month£18.00per monthSee Deal
Vodafone SIM OnlyRed SIM14-day returns policyRoll over your dataPrice valid until April 2025, increases to £22.80pm on 1 April 2025 then £24.60pm on 1 April 2026
  • 50GBmonthly data
  • Unlimitedinclusive minutes
  • Unlimitedinclusive texts
  • 24month contract
  • Zeroone-off cost
£21.00per month£21.00per monthSee Deal
Vodafone SIM OnlyXtra Euro Roam SIM14-day returns policyRoll over your dataUntil April 2025, increases to £44.80pm on 1 April 2025 then £46.60pm on 1 April 2026
6 Months Half Price
  • Unlimitedmonthly data
  • Unlimitedinclusive minutes
  • Unlimitedinclusive texts
  • 24month contract
  • Zeroone-off cost
usually £43.00£21.50per monthusually £43.00£21.50per monthSee Deal
Vodafone SIM OnlyUnlimited Max SIM14-day returns policyRoll over your dataPrice valid until April 2025, increases to £37.80pm on 1 April 2025 then £39.60pm on 1 April 2026
  • Unlimitedmonthly data
  • Unlimitedinclusive minutes
  • Unlimitedinclusive texts
  • 24month contract
  • Zeroone-off cost
£36.00per month£36.00per monthSee Deal
Vodafone SIM OnlyUnlimited Plus Xtra Global Roam SIM14-day returns policyRoll over your dataPrice valid until April 2025, increases to £44.80pm on 1 April 2025 then £46.60pm on 1 April 2026
  • Unlimitedmonthly data
  • Unlimitedinclusive minutes
  • Unlimitedinclusive texts
  • 24month contract
  • Zeroone-off cost
£43.00per month£43.00per monthSee Deal
Vodafone SIM OnlyGlobal Roaming SIM14-day returns policyRoll over your dataPrice valid until April 2025, increases to £47.80pm on 1 April 2025 then £49.60pm on 1 April 2026
  • Unlimitedmonthly data
  • Unlimitedinclusive minutes
  • Unlimitedinclusive texts
  • 24month contract
  • Zeroone-off cost
£46.00per month£46.00per monthSee Deal
Vodafone SIM OnlyUnlimited Max SIM Only Xtra Euro Roam + Entertainment14-day returns policyRoll over your dataPrice valid until April 2025, increases to £52.80pm on 1 April 2025 then £54.60pm on 1 April 2026
  • Unlimitedmonthly data
  • Unlimitedinclusive minutes
  • Unlimitedinclusive texts
  • 24month contract
  • Zeroone-off cost
£51.00per month£51.00per monthSee Deal
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Why choose a Vodafone SIM only deal?

Dan Howdle Dan Howdle

Vodafone is really pushing its unlimited data plans at the time of writing. So much so, in fact that its limited-data SIM only deals look quite unappealing by comparison, in particular its bafflingly expensive monthly 1GB plan. There are also some things you can bolt onto your plan if you so desire. Let's take a look at the main features of Vodafone’s SIM only deals.

  • Unlimited data – At the time of writing (March 2022), the majority of Vodafone’s SIM only plans come with unlimited data. However there are still a lot of limited data plans to choose from as well.
  • 4 Extra benefits – Some (but not all) of Vodafone’s 12 and 24 month SIM only plans include a set of four extras. If you choose one of these plans, you get £3.50 per month off the cost of a mobile plan for your smart watch, 3 unlimited data boosts (basically: unlimited data for three months of your plan), device care and unlimited picture messaging. These are not available on one month plans
  • Bolt on entertainment passes – For a little extra you can bolt on a 12-month subscription to Amazon Prime, Spotify or YouTube Premium Mobile TV
  • 5G included – Provided you have or are getting a 5G phone, and you live in city or large town where 5G has been installed, you can receive 5G from all Vodafone SIM only plans
  • VeryMe Rewards – All Vodafone customers will have access to the VeryMe rewards program with will periodically dish out money off coupons and such via the app
  • The My Vodafone app – In this app – downloadable for free, usable by all Vodafone mobile customers – you will be able to check your bills, your usage and get immediate help if you need it
  • Is Vodafone a good network?

    Vodafone is one of four UK mobile networks, the others being Three and O2. All other UK mobile providers are actually MVNOs (mobile virtual network operators) that piggyback onto one of these four.

    Vodafone’s 4G network covers 99% of the UK population. Note that is population, not landmass, which means you will still find not-spots (where you can get no signal) out in the sticks, as with all of the UK's mobile networks. In the latest analysis published by OpenSignal, Vodafone's 4G network was given a 83.4% availability score, meaning OpenSignal’s testers could get a 4G signal just over four-fifths of the time.

    Data and calling features

    There are a number of features you can expect with a Vodafone SIM.

    • 4G data speed – You won't find any problems with the data speeds being offered by Vodafone. They currently hold second place for data download speed. Coming in behind EE and with a download speed which is a hair's breadth above the third place holder, Three Three – in terms of their average speeds. However it’s worth checking the small print on some of the unlimited data deals. You will find that some of them throttle the download speed you will get from its average 4G speed of 22.4Mbps down to 10Mbps or even 2Mbps on some deals
    • Data rollover – Is where you get to roll unused data over to the following month. Vodafone does offer this on its PAYG 30-day bundles, but not on its contract SIM only offerings. With the move now well underway to all packages offering unlimited data, this is unlikely to change
    • Tethering – Is where you use your phone's internet connection and data allowance to supply another device. Your phone becomes a router, basically. You can tether on any Vodafone service whether SIM only, PAYG or mobile package, and there are no limits or restrictions on how much data you can draw using other devices
    • Wifi calling – Is where your phone uses your local wifi to send and receive voice calls instead of your mobile signal. Can be helpful when you don't get the best reception indoors. Vodafone offers wifi calling included in all its SIM only deals
    • Data gifting – Is where you can give away some of your data allowance to another Vodafone user who needs it. There are ways you can pool data allowances in families with Vodafone, but no way to literally gift data
    • Data caps – A data cap allows you cap spending on your Vodafone SIM plan to ensure you don't accidentally incur any outlandish charges from data over-usage or doing things you may not be aware you are being charged extra for. Data capping is available on all Vodafone SIMs, but you will have to remember to set it up yourself

    Roaming on Vodafone

    Vodafone was the best network in terms of free roaming destinations covered. However, as of January 31 2022 it has begun charging for roaming via a tiered (or 'zoned' system). Zone A: the Republic of Ireland and the Isle of Man. No roaming charges apply. Zone B: 49 destinations, most of which are in Europe and are EU member states. For anyone with a Vodafone Pay Monthly plan that started on or after 11 August 2021, roaming costs £2 a day. Zone C: 32 destinations, from Australia and Barbados to the US and South Africa. For anyone with a Vodafone Pay Monthly plan that started on or after 11 August 2021, roaming costs £6 a day. Zone D: 75 destinations, from Argentina to Uzbekistan and Vietnam. For anyone with a Vodafone Pay Monthly plan that started on or after 11 August 2021, roaming costs £6 a day.

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