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Unlimited broadband deals

Compare cheap unlimited broadband deals available at your postcode, including standard broadband and fibre broadband internet packages. Prices checked and updated daily.

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NOW Super Fibre Broadband NOW
£22.00 per month(prices may change during contract)
New customers only£5 advance fee is taken off your first month's bill
  • 63Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • £5.00 One-off cost
  • 24 Month Contract
  • Pay as you go calls
£22.00 per month(prices may change during contract)
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NOW Full Fibre 75 NOW
£22.00 per month(prices may change during contract)
New customers only£5 Advance Fee is taken off your first month's bill
  • 75Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • £5.00 One-off cost
  • 24 Month Contract
  • No phone line
£22.00 per month(prices may change during contract)
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Vodafone Fibre 1 Broadband Vodafone
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£24.00 per month(Increases annually on 1st April by £3.00)
New customers only
  • 38Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off cost
  • 24 Month Contract
  • Pay as you go calls
£24.00 per month(Increases annually on 1st April by £3.00)
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NOW Full Fibre 100 NOW
£24.00 per month(prices may change during contract)
New customers only£5 Advance Fee is taken off your first month's bill
  • 100Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • £5.00 One-off cost
  • 24 Month Contract
  • No phone line
£24.00 per month(prices may change during contract)
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Vodafone Full Fibre 74 Vodafone
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£25.00 per month(Increases annually on 1st April by £3.00)
New customers only
  • 74Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off cost
  • 24 Month Contract
  • No phone line
£25.00 per month(Increases annually on 1st April by £3.00)
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Vodafone Fibre 2 Broadband Vodafone
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£25.00 per month(Increases annually on 1st April by £3.00)
New customers only
  • 67Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off cost
  • 24 Month Contract
  • Pay as you go calls
£25.00 per month(Increases annually on 1st April by £3.00)
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Vodafone Full Fibre 150 Broadband Vodafone
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£26.00 per month(Increases annually on 1st April by £3.00)
New customers only
  • 150Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off cost
  • 24 Month Contract
  • No phone line
£26.00 per month(Increases annually on 1st April by £3.00)
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Virgin Media M125 Fibre Broadband Virgin Media
£50 Bill Credit
£26.50 per month(prices may change during contract)
£50 Bill Credit
  • £50 Bill Credit
    The Virgin Media bill credit will be applied to your first bill. Any remaining balance will be applied to subsequent bills until the credit is used.
  • No 2024 Price Rise
    No price rise in 2024 if you switch to Virgin Media. Monthly price shown will increase each April from April 2025 by the Retail Price Index rate at inflation announced in February each year plus 3.9%.
New customers only
  • 132Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off cost
  • 18 Month Contract
  • No phone line
£50 Bill Credit
£26.50 per month(prices may change during contract)
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Sky Superfast Sky
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£65 Gift Card
£27.00 per month(prices may change during contract)
£65 Gift Card
  • £65 Gift Card
    You will be sent instructions on how to choose your Gift Card up to 120 days after your purchase. You will have 90 days to claim your Gift Card by sending it to your email or mobile phone.
New customers only£5 fee refunded to first bill
  • 61Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • £5.00 One-off cost
  • 24 Month Contract
  • Pay as you go calls
£65 Gift Card
£27.00 per month(prices may change during contract)
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Plusnet Fibre Broadband Plusnet
£27.99 per month(increases on the 31st March 2025 by £3pm)
New customers onlyFirst month payable upfront
  • 66Mb Average Speed
  • Unlimited Monthly downloads
  • Zero One-off cost
  • 24 Month Contract
  • No phone line
£27.99 per month(increases on the 31st March 2025 by £3pm)
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We take the total cost of the contract including all fees and divide it by the contract length giving you an average cost for comparison.
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Cable.co.uk may earn a commission when you purchase via links on our site. The price you pay will always be equal to or often cheaper than the price you would pay by going direct to the provider. Broadband speeds are dependent on where you live and you may receive slower speeds than listed. Broadband is subject to availability. Please refer to individual broadband provider's terms and conditions before signing up. All prices are inclusive of VAT except business prices.
Woman relaxing on sofa

Do I need unlimited broadband?

There really aren’t any limited broadband deals to speak of in the market right now, and though they may come back at some point – they do poke their heads in from time to time – chances are it’ll be impossible for you to find a deal that isn’t unlimited.

Should you get an unlimited broadband deal then? Yes. You will probably have to. Just in case there are some limited deals floating about when you read this or when you go to look, though, let’s take a quick look at who should consider unlimited broadband a must.

  • Medium to large households – Frankly, if there’s more than one of you, you probably need unlimited broadband. You may even need it if you live solo, if you also happen to be someone who likes a lot of Netflix, gaming or other intensive online stuff
  • Gamers – If you or anyone in your household is a gamer, you’re going to need unlimited broadband to download your games. Likewise, game streaming is now a thing with services like Google Stadia and PlayStation Now. You can stream gameplay live over the web just like a Netflix movie, but it consumes a lot of data
  • Streamers of movies and TV – You might say ‘I don’t use the internet all that much, do I really need unlimited?’ Then you might go and binge a box set on Netflix, Now TV, Amazon Prime Video or wherever and find that you would have just used your entire month’s allowance if you were on a typical limited broadband deal. If you want to enjoy streaming without any hitch, have a look at our guide to streaming services
  • Home businesses – When you rely on a business broadband connection, the last thing you want is for it to come to a grinding halt because you've hit your limit. If you run a business from home that relies on internet connectivity, you will always need an unlimited deal
  • Everyone – This is the point, really. There are almost no cases where we would recommend a limited deal over an unlimited one

Types of unlimited broadband

Unlimited broadband is where there are no limits on the amount of data you can download each month. There may, however, be some rules that mean you won’t get the best speeds all the time, or that your connection may be stunted after you download a certain amount of data. Below is a list of the three types of broadband limitation.

  • Limited broadband – This where you have a monthly limit on the amount of data you use on your broadband connection. You may be familiar with this if you have a smartphone with a data limit. Typically, your provider will warn you if you are reaching near your limit. This type of broadband deal is incredibly rare these days and it’s highly unlikely you’ll find one.
  • Unlimited broadband – This is where there is no limit on the amount of data you can use each month. However, one or two providers (SSE comes to mind) have traffic management and/or fair usage policies that may limit your speed during peak hours, or curtail the amount of data you’re allowed to download at the maximum speed your line is capable of, should you download in excess
  • Truly unlimited broadband – Most unlimited broadband deals are ‘truly unlimited’. This means that no matter what you’re doing with your broadband, at what time of day, and how much, your provider will always endeavour to provide you with the speed you’re paying for. Few broadband providers use the term ‘truly unlimited’ anymore, as it’s pretty much the norm. But if you see it, that’s what it means

Frequently asked questions

What is fair usage policy?

Although many broadband packages are 'unlimited', many carry a ‘fair usage policy’ (FUP). Depending on where you live, several other houses will all be plugged into the same cabinet that connects you to the internet. The number of houses you share this cabinet with is called your ‘contention ratio’.

Let’s say the contention ratio is 100:1. That means you and 99 other houses share the same internet cabinet. If each house is using the internet at the same time as you, your connection may slow down during busy times. Unlike a general 'traffic management' policy, the FUP targets specific users doing specific things, and prioritises others.

Most residential broadband users should expect an average ratio of 50:1 on their connections.

What is traffic management?

Traffic management is a method broadband providers use to give everyone the best speed available during peak times. It’s like rationing. Everyone gets slightly slower speeds, instead of some people getting good speeds and others getting poor speeds or no internet at all. If you want to learn a bit more about fair usage policies and traffic management, have a look at our guide.