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Smarty 5GB5GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£5.00per monthGet DealSmarty
5G SIM Only 8GBFree EU RoamingFree Roaming up to 30GB8GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£6.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
5G SIM Only 5GBFree EU RoamingFree Roaming up to 30GB5GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£6.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
5G SIM Only 30GBFree EU RoamingFree Roaming up to 30GB30GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£7.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
5G SIM Only 15GBFree EU RoamingFree Roaming up to 30GB15GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£7.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
Smarty 8GB8GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£7.00per monthGet DealSmarty
5G SIM Only 50GBFree EU RoamingFree Roaming up to 30GB50GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£8.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
Smarty 16GB16GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£8.00per monthGet DealSmarty
5G SIM Only 36GBFree EU RoamingFree Roaming up to 30GB36GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£9.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
5G SIM Only 70GBFree EU RoamingFree Roaming up to 30GB70GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£10.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
Smarty 40GB40GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£10.00per monthGet DealSmarty
5G SIM Only 150GBFree EU RoamingFree Roaming up to 30GB150GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£12.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
5G SIM Only 100GBFree EU RoamingFree Roaming up to 30GB100GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£12.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
Smarty 100GB100GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£12.00per monthGet DealSmarty
5G SIM Only 250GBFree EU RoamingFree Roaming up to 30GB250GBdataUnltdminutesUnltdtexts1month contractZeroupfront cost£14.00per monthGet DealiD Mobile
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{"comparison-market":"enhanced-telco","config-name":"generic","numberOfDealsToDisplay":15,"sort":"most_popular","always-set-filters":{"deal-type-section":["New Consumer"],"reseller-section":["exclude-all"]},"exclude-filters":[],"filter-section-order":[],"excluded-filter-sections":[],"page-attributes":[],"filter-sections":[{"id":"product-type-section","filter_group":[{"id":"product-type-group-1","mutex":true,"filter":[{"id":"phone-with-sim","label":"Phones with SIM","sets_attribute":["handset","sim"],"selected":false},{"id":"phone-sim-free","label":"SIM free phones","sets_attribute":["handset"],"selected":false},{"id":"sim-only","label":"SIM only","sets_attribute":["sim"],"selected":true},{"id":"data-sim","label":"Data SIMs","sets_attribute":["data-sim"],"selected":false}],"default_id":"phone-with-sim","disallow_manual_deselect":true}],"section_heading":""},{"id":"data-standard-section","filter_group":[{"id":"product-type-group-1","mutex":true,"filter":[{"id":"any","label":"Any"},{"id":"5g","label":"5G"}],"default_id":"any","disallow_manual_deselect":true}],"section_heading":"Data speed"},{"id":"network-section","filter_group":[{"id":"network-group-1","filter":[{"id":"Three","label":"3"},{"id":"giffgaff","label":"giffgaff"},{"id":"iD","label":"iD"},{"id":"O2","label":"O2"},{"id":"Sky Mobile","label":"Sky"},{"id":"Smarty","label":"Smarty"},{"id":"Tesco Mobile","label":"Tesco"},{"id":"Virgin Mobile","label":"Virgin Mobile"},{"id":"Vodafone","label":"Vodafone"},{"id":"Voxi","label":"Voxi"}]}],"is_attribute_of":["sim","data-sim"],"section_heading":"Network"},{"id":"monthly-cost-section","filter_group":[{"id":"monthly-cost-group-1","mutex":true,"filter":[{"id":"10","label":"u00a30-u00a310"},{"id":"30","label":"u00a310-u00a330"},{"id":"50","label":"u00a330-u00a350"},{"id":"80","label":"u00a350-u00a380"},{"id":"over80","label":"u00a380+"}]}],"is_attribute_of":["sim","data-sim"],"section_heading":"Monthly cost"},{"id":"talk-time-section","filter_group":[{"id":"talk-time-group-1","mutex":true,"filter":[{"id":"500","label":"500+"},{"id":"1000","label":"1000+"},{"id":"5000","label":"5000+"},{"id":"UNLIMITED","label":"Unlimited"}]}],"is_attribute_of":["sim"],"section_heading":"Minutes"},{"id":"data-section","filter_group":[{"id":"data-group-1","mutex":true,"filter":[{"id":"1000","label":"1GB+"},{"id":"2000","label":"2GB+"},{"id":"5000","label":"5GB+"},{"id":"10000","label":"10GB+"},{"id":"50000","label":"50GB+"},{"id":"UNLIMITED","label":"Unlimited"}]}],"is_attribute_of":["sim","data-sim"],"section_heading":"Data"},{"id":"contract-length-section","filter_group":[{"id":"contract-length-group-1","filter":[{"id":"payg","label":"PAYG","selected":false},{"id":"1","label":"1","selected":true},{"id":"12","label":"1-12","selected":false},{"id":"over12","label":"12+","selected":false}]}],"is_attribute_of":["sim","data-sim"],"section_heading":"Contract length"},{"id":"gift-section","filter_group":[{"id":"gift-group-1","filter":[{"id":"Cashback","label":"Cashback"},{"id":"Gift Voucher","label":"Gift Voucher"},{"id":"Free Gift","label":"Free Gift"}]}],"section_heading":"Gifts & extras"}],"hide-filter-pane":false} may earn a commission when you purchase via links on our site. The price you pay will always be equal to or often cheaper than the price you would pay by going direct to the provider. Please refer to individual provider's terms and conditions before signing up. All prices are inclusive of VAT except business prices.

Why choose a no contract SIM deal?

There are a number of reasons why you would choose a short or no contract SIM deal as opposed to a 12-month SIM only contract or a standard pay as you go deal.

  • Flexibility – Only committing to 30 days or a month (yes, these are pretty much the same thing) means there is no obligation to stick with the same plan, or even the same provider, every month. Although you’ll need to make sure your phone is unlocked if you’re going to switch between providers.
  • Value – A 30 day SIM deal or pay as you go bundle will generally give you more data for your money than standard pay as you go rates, although if it’s value for money you’re after, you’d probably do even better with a 12-month SIM only or a pay monthly mobile deal.
  • Benefits – Most short or no contract SIM deals include all the benefits that customers on longer contracts enjoy. These vary from provider to provider, but can include data rollover, bill capping and membership of loyalty schemes.
  • Roaming – All short or no contract plans no longer automatically include roaming in the EU. It’s the same for longer-term contracts. Some providers have not re-introduced roaming charges while others have, so be sure to check your contract and your provider’s website before travelling in the EU. If you are choosing a new short or no contract SIM and you travel in the EU then this could influence your choice of provider. Also, be sure to check the provider's fair usage policy if you are a regular traveller.
  • Simplicity – Without those tricky decisions over contract length and handset choice to make, choosing a short or no contract SIM deal is actually pretty simple – a matter of weighing up how much data you need and how much you’re willing to spend.
  • No credit check – There are 30 day SIM deals available without a credit check from giffgaff and SMARTY. And other providers are likely to at least run a less stringent check than they would for a pay monthly mobile or 12-month SIM deal. Our dedicated page has much more information on SIM deals with no credit checks.

What is a short or no contract SIM deal?

A short or no contract SIM deal is, put simply, one that doesn’t tie you in for too long. Most of the plans we’re talking about only ask you to commit for 30 days at a time and for the most part we're treating these as separate from pay as you go SIM deals, although there is quite a bit of overlap with these definitions.

The majority of them are paid for directly using a credit or debit card, while others require you to top-up a pay as you go account and use that balance to buy a bundle. Whichever way you pay, the effect is the same – all short or no contract SIM deals include an allowance of data, minutes and texts (except data-only deals, which we'll get onto shortly).

30 day SIM deals

30 day SIM deals make up the vast majority of the deals on this page. Some providers, such as SMARTY SIM only, iD Mobile SIM ony and ASDA Mobile, only offer 30 day deals while for others, 12 months is the norm but there are options for 30 day or 24-month contracts if you want them.

Data only deals

As well as standard SIM deals, which include data, texts and calls, some providers also offer data-only SIMs that are ideal for tablets. Be sure to check your contract if using roaming in EU countries since daily charges have come back, with some providers already charging them and others not.

What providers offer short or no contract SIM deals?

  • Asda Mobile – ASDA Mobile’s 30 day plans are really pay as you go bundles. You top up your account and then use that credit to buy a bundle of data, texts and minutes, you can also turn it into a recurring bundle. ASDA Mobile uses the EE network. Asda Mobile have not reintroduced roaming charges to 36 EU destinations.
  • iD Mobile – All of iD Mobile’s 30 day SIM deals include data rollover, bill capping and unlimited texts. It uses the Three network to deliver its services. Roaming in the EU is still allowed at no extra charge, but is subject to a cap which is lower than your monthly data allowance, so you should check this limit to avoid extra charges. For example if you have a 10GB data allowance in your bundle, you can only use 7.7GB of it in EU countries, before you will be charged roaming fees for additional data used.
  • giffgaff – giffgaff’s SIM plans are called Goodybags and all last 30 days. The provider, which runs on the O2 network, also offers unlocked mobile phones. Roaming in the EU is still included at no extra charge, however there is a cap of 20GB, after which you will be charge extra.
  • SMARTY – SMARTY, which uses the Three network, only offers one-month plans and they all offer a discount at the end of the month for any data you haven’t used. You can use up to 12GB of your data allowance for data-roaming in EU countries. Additional data is charged at the same per GB rate.
  • Tesco Mobile – Tesco Mobile, which runs on the O2 network, has a range of no contract SIM deals it calls Rocket Packs. You top up your account then text Tesco Mobile to add the month-long bundle of your choice. Data Roaming in the EU is included.
  • Plusnet mobile – Plusnet, best known for its broadband deals and award-winning customer service, also has a range of 30 day SIM deals. Plusnet Mobile runs on the EE network. Data roaming is also included in 40 EU destinations.
  • EE – EE has a range of 30 day SIM deals but they are among the most expensive around and don’t come with the same benefits as EE’s pay monthly phone deals. From March 2022 data-roaming charges will be applied in EU destinations.
  • Vodafone – Vodafone’s Essential and Red Extra plans are available on 30 day contracts, but its Red Entertainment plans, which include a streaming subscription, are not. EU roaming can now attract extra charges.
  • Three – Three has a handful of mostly big-data and unlimited data SIM deals available on 30 day contracts. Most include Go Binge, which gives you data-free use of apps including Netflix and Apple Music. Roaming is charged daily, and this includes EU roaming.
  • O2 – O2’s 30 day SIM plans aren’t cheap but do include membership of O2 Priority, the provider’s rewards scheme, and free access to O2's wifi hotspots. There is no extra charge for roaming in 40 European destinations.

Frequently asked questions

Can I get a SIM card without a contract?

You can get no-contract SIMs from ASDA Mobile, iD Mobile, giffgaff, SMARTY, Tesco Mobile, Plusnet Mobile, EE, Vodafone, Three or O2.

Are 30 day no contract SIMs more expensive?

Yes. Or rather, you save money by signing up to a full 12, 24 or 36-month contract because your commitment offsets any risk on the part of the provider (For example, the costs of setting up your account are spread out if you have a twelve month contract. With a 30 day SIM you could leave after one month, so more of that cost is included in each bundle/top-up). Contracts save you money, so in exchange for freedom, you will pay more.

Which providers offer no contract SIM deals?

You can get no-contract SIMs from ASDA Mobile, iD Mobile, giffgaff, SMARTY, Tesco Mobile, Plusnet Mobile, EE, Vodafone, Three or O2.

Should I get a no contract SIM or just get a PAYG deal instead?

Even with pay as you go (PAYG), providers are now making it more cost-effective to buy 30 day bundles of minutes, data and texts than to simply extract your usage directly from your PAYG top-up amount. Bundles (different providers have different names for these) are all but indistinguishable from rolling 30 day contracts.